COVID Vaccine Series & Booster
If you are seeking to begin your initial, first two doses of the COVID Vaccine, or to register for your booster shot, please follow the link to register for an appointment. Although we do accept Walk-Ins for the first two doses, registration is required for both and an appointment is required for boosters at this time. ​
If you have received your COVID Vaccine but need a CDC Card, the link below offers a digital version of that card. However, if you prefer a physical card we can create that for you in the pharmacy during normal business hours.
Note: Please allow at least a week before your digital vaccine record is up to date.
If you wish to receive a booster please consider the following requirements from the CDC:
Completed initial vaccine series 6+ months ago, will verify on site.
18 - 64 yrs. with underlying health conditions, living in a long-term care or congregational setting, living or working in a high-risk setting.
Recommended for those 65 yrs.+
Please note, you may mix and match vaccines on the 3rd dose per the CDC. However, Roden Smith Pharmacy will be ONLY offering the Moderna vaccine at the Drive-Thru Clinic.